First, the bad news. The commodity price of unroasted coffee beans is roughly triple what it was when I started Doney Coffee in 2020, so I need to raise the irresponsibly low price of roasted Doney Coffee beans. So far, I should be able to get away with only raising the price by a dollar or two per pound. Hopefully the massive Brazilian coffee farms will have a better year in 2025, and we will be able to adjust accordingly.
Now the good news! I put in an order at Walmart for some Black Rifle Coffee, for research purposes, and found that they did not charge sales (TPT) tax. It turns out that Arizona considers coffee to be a grocery item and exempt from the sales tax, so long as you don't serve drinks on premises. So I have removed the sales tax from all my coffee beans/grounds, and it will save us a decent amount of money!
I have also started offering 8oz and 5lb options for coffee, so I had to adjust the way subscriptions work. It doesn't make sense to have the same flat $2 per bag discount if the bags are different sizes, so I switched it to an overall 10% discount for subscriptions.
Finally, I'm a bit nervous about future coffee prices. Hopefully the current administration will step away from the precipice of massive tariffs on coffee producing countries such as Colombia and Mexico. If he follows through on those tariffs, the US coffee market will see significant price inflation, because that is how supply and demand work in free markets.
C-Price (Coffee futures) since I started Doney Coffee:
